my services

Doggone Pets is a full service pet care provider.
At this moment Doggone Pets only provides pet grooming, dog daycare and selective pet sitter dog walker services. In the future Doggone pets will have more services available. The service for walking and (check-ins) will be provided from the owners home so that you know everything is A-Ok. Doggone Pets Also provide non bathing quick services to selective exotic pets.
Hours of operation:
8:30am - 5:30pm. Monday-Wednesday
We are also opening two Fridays and two Saturdays per month. Dates and times for the weekend will be released in advance for everyone availability!
We know things happen and not everyone will have transportation. Occasionally Doggone Pets will provide transportation if scheduled in advance. If the provider has to pick up or drop off the transportation fee is $15 beyond a 3 mile radius will increase in price.
In-order to view all services that Doggone Pets offers, please visit the My Services page. Services will be available in May but you are more than welcome to start booking in advance!!!